
SASPL is one of the leading organization in Maharashtra having production capacity 60 KLPD Wash to Rectified Spirit / Extra Neutral Alcohol & 60 KLPD Absolute Alcohol (Ethanol). Factory has adopted modern technology like Vacuum Multipressure distillation, integrated type Evaporation & Molecular sieve based Absolute Alcohol (Ethanol) Plants supplied by Praj Industries Limited, Pune.

Our Distillery Plant is fully atomization with world-class quality standards. Great care is taken to maintain international standards of hygiene and handling as well as we strictly follows standard operating process with good manufacturing practices & good laboratory practices. Thereby we ensuring product integrity & have a benchmark of our Alcohol products in International market.

We have a fully atomized Sugar factory with the Co-generation, Distillery Unit & Integrated Evaporation Plant followed by Condensate Polishing Unit & Incineration Boiler. The best result is energy conservation, optimum utilization of by-products, Cost savings and most important are we achieving 100% Zero Liquid Discharge by recycle condensate water which is generated from Distillery & Sugar factory & total concentrated Spent Wash quantity is given to Incineration Boiler.

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